Ntegra Pro - Banknote counter and sorter

Ntegra Gen 3 Notes Counter and Sorter

Ntegra Pro - Banknote counter and sorter

Efficiency savings and reduced cash processing costs remain critical business drivers and key performance indicators for most cash handling organisations today, whether a bank branch, cash centre, foreign exchange bureau, retailer or casino. 
Ntegra Pro banknote counter improves operational efficiency with superior speed, fitness analysis, and authentication. Multi-currency value count, detailed counterfeit analysis, and optical character recognition are all available features. Large touchscreen display, plus remote access for data capture and system update provides an enterprise-ready solution.



Hopper: 500 notes (extension 1000 notes)

Stacker: 250 notes

Reject: 100 notes


Piece counting: 1,300 notes per minute

Speed range

Fitness: 1,000 notes per minute

OCR: 1,000 notes per minute

Value counting: 1,200 notes per minute

Display size

3.5" Full Colour LCD


303mm × 347mm × 316mm (height with hopper guide: 362mm)

Suitable For

  • Best-in-class authentication for bank teller counter applications

  • Applications where accuracy, reliability and user experience are the foremost requirements

  • Organisations looking to deploy an affordable yet powerful sorting solution





Ntegra Pro can process up to 60 different currencies – all at the same time, on the same device.
The ideal solution for countries where multiple currencies are used and customer deposits need to be verified quickly and efficiently.
Ntegra Pro can count, sort, authenticate, fitness check and record banknote serial numbers; all in one device.
Data can be collected on an internal microSD card removing the requirement for a connected PC.
Ntegra Pro continuously counts, sorts and authenticates banknotes, while rejecting suspect and unwanted notes to a separate reject pocket.
This means that there’s no need to stop processing notes and efficiency is greatly improved.

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