Your customers can perform practically any transaction independently, with assistance from a teller as needed. Your tellers spend far less time handling cash so they can serve more customers, engage in more selling opportunities, and add more value to your business. Remove the physical barriers between your staff and customers to offer a more welcoming, collaborative branch environment.
Assisted service transforms the branch experience and allows staff to focus on higher value customer activities.
A transformational technology for efficiency and customer-focus
The branch is still the one place where you can develop customer relationships and loyalty; face-to-face.
With competition from internet, mobile, social and other channels, bank branches need to give customers a compelling reason to visit. The branch is still the one place where you can develop customer relationships and loyalty face-to-face. Learn how Glory can help you attract new and retain your existing customers in the ever changing competitive landscape.
Featured Products and Solutions
TellerConcierge solution video, the perfect fit for your branches and for your customers.
Watch the videoTellerInfinity Beyond Bank
Watch videoGlory’s new teller-assisted service solution enabled a unified banking experience and optimised cash management for Beyond Bank and its members.
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