So let’s start by assuming that you got the joke and aren’t here looking for ways to punish your workers…
But seriously, if you talk to workers in the retail or hospitality industries, and ask them about the most stressful tasks in their day, you’ll find that reconciling the cash drawer always ranks high.
We’ll get to that in a minute.
Why is it important?
Because labour is in short supply these days – particularly in these industries. It’s hard to find good workers, and it’s even harder to keep them. Removing stress from the job, which may have seemed like a luxury in times past, is becoming essential today.
Now, back to why reconciling the till causes stress…
For one, because it’s often wrong.
Let me correct that – it’s basically always wrong. But it’s often too wrong to ignore.
Which means a lot of wasted energy and time, double and triple counting cash, looking through sales receipts, trying to find out why. And, of course, this is usually at the end of a long day, when you are aching to get home.
Two, because cash being wrong can lead to suspicion and accusations of theft.
Nobody wants to work in an environment of distrust, or feel like they are being watched every minute of the day. But theft is a real issue – especially in quick service restaurants and bars which are high volume, high speed, and hard to track – which creates a tension.
I’ve seen all this first hand. I used to be the guy, sat on the floor with the cash drawer, pulling my hair out at 1am. Then I was the manager, training other people how to do it, cleaning up their messes, counting and recounting bank deposits. And, sadly, too many times over my years in the QSR industry, discovering internal theft and having to deal with it.
The thing is, all of this wasted time, energy and stress are unnecessary.
Processing cash by hand today is like washing your clothes by hand. Or mowing your lawn with a scythe. Why would you do it, when the technology exists to do it for you?
With a cash recycling system in place, the cash can be counted and authenticated automatically, and reconciled with the push of a button. Saving hours of labour time every week (or every day, depending on the size of your operation), and removing a stressful burden from your staff’s shoulders.
Glory’s cash recycling solutions don’t act as surveillance on your employees – they remove the temptation of theft altogether, because staff no longer have contact with cash as it moves through your business. Customers pay their cash directly into the cash recycler at the POS, which is then transferred in sealed cassettes to the back-office recycler, where it is prepared for deposit.
And on top of that, errors are virtually eliminated, as well as the risk of accepting counterfeit notes.
So, if you hate your staff and want to punish them, keep making them process all your cash by hand, with all the errors, and stress, and wasted time and energy that go with it.
If, on the other hand, you’d like to make your employees’ jobs simpler, quicker, and less stressful, while also eliminating cash shrinkage along the way, get in touch.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of Closed Loop Cash Recycling for restaurants, check out this ebook.
Or if you are a retailer, look here instead.