FY2023 Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement

1. About the Statement 

GLORY has produced this FY2023 Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement (“Statement”) in line with the requirements of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to provide insight into the steps that GLORY, as an international group of companies, has taken during the fiscal year 2023 (1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024) to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not occurring in any part of GLORY’s business and supply chains.

2. About GLORY

GLORY LTD. registered in Himeji, Japan is the ultimate parent company of all companies within the GLORY group. Glory Global Solutions (International) Limited, is a company registered in England and Wales, and is the GLORY group’s headquarters for international sales and service.

GLORY is a business providing products and solutions to automate the processing of cash in the financial, retail, transportation, gaming and other industries in more than 100 countries. GLORY had 11,398 employees around the world as of 31 March 2024. For more information on GLORY’s business and its activities, please visit the following website: https://corporate.glory-global.com/

3. GLORY’S commitment and initiatives to combat Slavery and Human Trafficking

GLORY is proud of its heritage of fair and ethical treatment of employees. In March 2014, GLORY LTD. signed the UN Global Compact and   declared its commitment to the Global Compact’s 10 principles in the four fields of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

GLORY has a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and is committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in any part of its business including its supply chains.

GLORY considers its suppliers as important partners with whom GLORY aims to grow and develop through fair and transparent business. As part of an ongoing initiative, GLORY works with its suppliers to ensure there are systems in place to:

  • identify and assess potential risk areas in GLORY’s supply chains
  • monitor potential risk areas in GLORY’s supply chains
  • mitigate and eliminate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in GLORY’s supply chains
  • protect whistleblowers

In FY2023 GLORY has continued to enhance its supply chain compliance programme by:

  • carrying out due diligence on major tier 1 suppliers to ensure their understanding of and compliance with UK anti-slavery law as well as any related applicable laws in their country of operation;
  • requiring suppliers to commit to compliance with the GLORY Supplier Code of Conduct. This code includes, amongst other requirements, a prohibition on forced labour, inhuman treatment, child labour and discrimination and a requirement for the payment of appropriate wages, restrictions on working hours and respect for employees’ rights to freedom of association;
  • monitoring compliance by requiring customer-facing or supplier-facing employees of GLORY to review and confirm their compliance with our Legal Code of Conduct every year;
  • training relevant employees who have responsibility for our supply chain and procurement about the risk and process for ensuring there is no slavery and human trafficking within GLORY’s supply chains;
  • ensuring GLORY has suitable contractual undertakings from our third-party suppliers as to their compliance with the law in this area;
  • setting a 100% response rate target from GLORY LTD’s new suppliers and tier 1 suppliers to its corporate and social responsibility checklist which includes, amongst other things, questions on forced labour, inhumane treatment of individuals and child labour;
  • enforcing GLORY LTD’s whistleblowing programme where the reporting tool has moved online making the process for employees reporting information easier and more secure and it covers additional direct subsidiaries of GLORY LTD; and
  • having a dedicated compliance team which consists of professionals from Legal, Finance, Audit, Human Resources and Procurement.

4. Approval for the Statement

I, Toshimitsu Yoshinari, certify that the information contained in this Statement is true and factual and has been approved by the Board of Directors of GLORY LTD. and Glory Global Solutions (International) Limited.

August 30th, 2024

Toshimitsu Yoshinari
Executive Officer & Company President of International Business Company GLORY LTD.
Chief Executive Officer Glory Global Solutions (International) Limited

Download The Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement